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蒙古兴仁寺( MonasteryMuseum of Choijin Lama)
兴仁寺( MonasteryMuseum of Choijin Lama)又名“乔伊金喇嘛博物馆”。1904年开始建造,1908完成,所以寺庙匾额上都有中文。革命后,该寺受到破坏,好在被当作博物馆而获救,并于1942年对公众开放。虽然1990年蒙古恢复了宗教自由,但兴仁寺看来不大可能恢复为宗教场所。
This complex of temples was built between 1904 and 1908 for the Choijin Lama (a monastic title) Lubsankhaidav, the State Oracle and younger brother of the eighth Bogd Gegeen, and is one of the most beautiful monasteries in Mongolia. This is the only museum where all religious objects are kept ready for Buddhist chanting ceremonies and this is why it is called a temple museum. The museum is famous for its collection of Buddhist artworks, original silk icons and tsam dancing masks.
- 愿以此功德,庄严佛净土。
- 上报四重恩,下济三途苦。
- 若有见闻者,悉发菩提心。
- 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。