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不丹老虎洞修道院(Tiger's Nest Monastery)Taktshang
老虎洞修道院(Tiger's Nest Monastery)(藏语:Taktshang)位于不丹境内喜玛拉雅山上,此处崖壁陡峭,气势壮观非凡。是西元747年時,從西藏來的蓮花生大師(Guru Rinpoche)前往印度時在不丹默想的地方,不丹人說他是騎老虎到3120公尺的山洞,所以叫做(Tiger's Nest)。
Taktshang is the most famous of monasteries in Bhutan. It hangs on a cliff at 3,120 metres (10,200 feet), some 700 meters (2,300 feet) above the bottom of Paro valley. Famous visitors include Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century and Milarepa.
The name means "Tiger's nest", the legend being that Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) flew there on the back of a tiger. The monastery includes seven temples which can all be visited. The monastery suffered several blazes and is a recent restoration. Climbing to the monastery is on foot or mule.
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- 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。