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柬埔寨塔松寺(Ta Som Temple)
塔松寺(Ta Som Temple)Ta Som 是一个很有名的将军,有传说说本寺是为了纪念此位将军而建的。
塔松寺(Ta Som Temple)没有经过太多的修复,有很多树盘据在建筑上。
Ta Som Temple is classic Bayonstyle monastic complex consisting of a relatively flat enclosure, face tower gopuras and cruciform interior sanctuaries much like a miniature version of Ta Prohm. Many of the carvings are in good condition and display particularly fine execution for late 12th century works. Take note of the devata carvings which show an uncommon individuality. A huge tree grows from the top of the eastern gopura. It is destroying the gate but it is a photo classic. Best photographed in the afternoon. Ta Som is the most distant temple on the Grand Circuit.
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- 上报四重恩,下济三途苦。
- 若有见闻者,悉发菩提心。
- 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。